Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Special steps: maneuvers, decisive miles

Fierce market competition and growth to their own high-speed special-step (China) Co., Ltd. tremendous internal management challenges. This is the dark horse horse sporting goods industry will be how to respond?

Vying, on the situation and who

Step in the special sales manager Wu Tao, red eyes, the three characteristics of the athletic shoe industry determines the special step for information technology needs.

The athletic footwear industry in Jinjiang serious homogeneity, from the type of product are very similar to the channel model. Such a market environment for enterprise product development and marketing of the collection of information put forward high requirements: only one step closer access to the consumer, the consumer demand for faster feedback to the product development department, it may be intense homogenization of the competition. Meanwhile, the sporting goods industry, management-level complex, with head office level, branch-level, in some places even have second issue of business and then to retailers. The apparel industry in general is directly from manufacturers to retailers, feedback very quickly. In the past, from the market information through phone, fax, layers of feedback, and finally to reach the corporate headquarters, not only spent a long time, and the information transfer process in the distortion very easily. President of marketing with a special leaf-step general terms, it is very easy to create "data pollution." Lin further said that special, special step in the country over 30 provinces and cities have more than 3000 outlets in the past, both internal management information transfer or sale of information, feedback terminal is very difficult problem. Third, the sporting goods industry, the requirements for a high fashion, firms should be able to closely track the popularity of information, the development of products to quickly meet market demand.

"Now, information management has risen to the third special-step an important role in enterprise management, and first two followed by product development and the terminal building." Xtep president of marketing, said Ye, special steps have attached great importance to the management, "we are relatively large, there are 5,000 terminals, 2,3000 a shipping unit, the year tens of millions of SKU, should be fine management, can only rely on information technology tools. Besides, now that do play sports goods industry to a large extent inventory, inventory management, good or bad and very important information on the retail end, directly determine the market competitiveness of enterprises. Third, in the sporting goods industry, the competition between enterprises has been the brand's competition, competition in the development of process management to information management, competition, information, competition is competition ERP performance, how to invalid inventory to a minimum, how to design development and production to provide the most effective information, it is worth great effort to study. "

Trade started to do special steps, past the face of the large number of bulk. Not familiar to the retail distribution, channel terminal building is relatively weak. When just entering the domestic market, but also to face the main wholesalers. As the market increased, the competitiveness of enterprises to train on the importance to strengthen the retail end, "Our goal is to shadow sales, where retailers, where head office Jiugen. This time to rely on people to achieve relatively difficulties, especially in the sporting goods industry, asked everyone to use e-mail is a great challenge. "Ye personal experiences.

Special steps very fast growth, and sales base in the industry is relatively high, at the same time, whether shoes or clothing, are doubling each year's growth, clothing and even reached triple. Brought rapid growth in data capacity and the rapid increase in turnover, for special staff to process data step made high demands. In the past, special steps are by office to complete these tasks, such as EXCEL. The special step based on the original information is based on the structure of the POS CS software, as the business continues to develop, this approach has been unable to cope with rapid business growth. Special steps need a stable system software to manage these.

Run small step, a significant limitation

Special steps to establish a distribution system is used by the head office to branch office, store promotion of the steps to follow the overall implementation of the principle of small steps gallop. System uses the BS framework, so that all management rights can focus on head office, and effective authority. The biggest problem now is to solve the system stores the rapid promotion. Now, special steps the company headquarters, distribution and agents are using the new system, the headquarters is relatively less difficult to implement, but the agents of mixed quality, the amount of direct sales stores too, must gather up these data are not easy.

How to promote the new system to ensure proper use of agents? As a growing brand, special steps can not rely on market pressures to promote the system among the partners. In UF's help, special steps using a unique combination of mandatory and awards to advance implementation of the system achieved very good results.

Sales manager Wu Tao Hung believes that strict use of resources and processes, is the most important UFIDA ERP systems due to the impact. Rapid growth in sales year after year development opportunities, the sales department, not only in a single row, shipping and so the accuracy and speed have been significantly improved, and staff have more time to communicate with customers, better serve our customers. Sales data for the control of more accurate, timely, and ready for statistical analysis.

"In the past order management is done by a spreadsheet, then the customer order entry, shipping every day registration numbers entered, and then proceed to deduct, determine the number of goods he is even worse I; If you want to check the processing of customer orders, secondary data to be re-processing operations are very complex; and now use the system to deal with, the customer can at any time throughout the dissemination of goods check out the tracking of customer orders is very timely. "


淇℃伅绠$悊閮ㄤ富绠℃灄姘稿嘲鍒欒〃绀猴紝杩囧幓锛岄攢鍞儴鍑犱箮姣忓ぉ鍔犵彮浣跨敤Excel鍑忓簱瀛樸?缁熻搴撳瓨鍐嶆眹鎬伙紝鍙槸鐜板湪浜哄憳杞绘澗寰堝锛岄攢鍞澶у箙澧為暱鑰屽伐浣滈噺涓嬮檷銆傚垎鍏徃涔熸剰璇嗗埌淇℃伅鍖栫殑閲嶈锛屼粬浠富鍔ㄨ姹傚湪鍒嗗叕鍙稿疄鏂紼PR绯荤粺銆?br />

浠撳偍閮ㄧ殑铏炲仴瀵笶RP甯︽潵鐨勬晥鐩婃劅鍙楅娣便?鈥滅郴缁熷甫鏉ョ殑鏈?洿鎺ョ殑鍙嶅簲鏄紝鍔冲姩寮哄害澶у箙闄嶄綆锛屽師鏉ュ嚑涔庡ぉ澶╁姞鐝埌鍑屾櫒2-3鐐癸紝鐜板湪鍩烘湰涓嶇敤鍔犵彮銆傝繕鏈夋暟鎹俊鎭殑鍗虫椂鎬с?鍑嗙‘鎬ф柟闈㈠緱鍒颁簡鏄庢樉鐨勬敼鍠勩?鈥?br />
绾垫í鎹槚锛屽喅鑳滃崈閲?br />
涓夊叴闆嗗洟ERP椤圭洰鍙栧緱鐨勬敹鐩婁粠璧勬簮鍒╃敤銆佹祦绋嬫帶鍒躲?涓氬姟娓犻亾鍗忓悓杩愪綔銆佸喅绛栦笌鍒嗘瀽銆佷汉鎵嶅煿鍏汇?鍟嗕笟妯″紡鐨勬垚鍔熸敮鎸佺瓑鍑犱釜鏂归潰寰楀埌鍙嶅簲銆傝祫婧愬埄鐢ㄦ樉钁楁彁楂? 涓汉鐢熶骇鍔涙彁楂?鍊嶄互涓娿?娴佺▼鎺у埗鎿嶄綔瑙勮寖锛岃法閮ㄩ棬娌熼?鍗忎綔鍑嗙‘銆佸揩鎹凤紱涓氬姟娓犻亾鍗忓悓杩愪綔锛屾?鍏徃銆佹?浠g悊銆侀浂鍞綉鐐瑰疄鐜颁笟鍔℃暟鎹崗鍚岋紱鍐崇瓥涓庡垎鏋愯兘澶熷仛鍒板揩閫熸姤琛ㄥ拰鍒嗘瀽锛屽悎鐞嗙簿纭湴鎺掑崟銆佸彂璐э紱缁忕悊鍜屽憳宸ョ殑IT绯荤粺搴旂敤鑳藉姏鎻愬崌锛屽伐浣滄柟寮忚浆鍙橈紝鍐呴儴IT绫讳汉鎵嶅緱鍒板煿鍏伙紱鍟嗕笟妯″紡鐨勬垚鍔熸敮鎸侊紝蹇?鍝嶅簲甯傚満銆佸鍝佺被鍑嗙‘鍙戣揣銆佹笭閬撲笟鍔¤繍浣滃崗鍚屻?

璧勬簮鍒╃敤鏂归潰锛屽憳宸ヤ釜浜虹敓浜у姏鎻愰珮3鍊嶅锛屾帓鍗曞矖浣嶄汉鍧囧鐞?20涓囧弻/骞存彁楂樺埌浜哄潎澶勭悊400涓囧弻/浣犻偅锛屽苟涓斿湪涓氬姟鎸佺画楂橀?澧為暱鐨勫悓鏃朵汉鍛樿妯″熀鏈繚鎸佺ǔ瀹氥?鍙戣揣鍑嗙‘鐜囨彁楂?9%锛屾瘮涔嬪墠鐨?0%鏈夎緝鏄庢樉鐨勬彁鍗囥?浠撳簱鍙戣揣閲忓拰搴撳瓨鍟嗗搧绠$悊閲忕炕浜?鍊嶅锛屼絾鏄粨搴撶鐞嗗湪涓嶅鍔犱汉鎵嬬殑鎯呭喌涓嬶紝涓嶄粎鎻愰珮浜嗗晢鍝佺鐞嗙殑鍑嗙‘鎬э紝纭繚浜嗗彂璐у伐浣滅殑鏈夊簭鍜屽拰鍙婃椂锛岃?涓斿姞蹇簡鎶ヨ〃鐨勯?搴︺?鍛樺伐涓庢?浠g悊娌熼?鐨勬椂闂村鍔狅紝閫氳繃绯荤粺鐨勫簲鐢紝鎺掑崟鏃堕棿姣忓ぉ鍙互鑺傜渷2灏忔椂宸﹀彸锛岃繖鏍锋瘡澶╁鍔?-3灏忔椂涓庡鎴锋矡閫氾紝鎻愰珮浜嗗鎴锋弧鎰忓害銆?br />



鍚勫湴鍖虹殑鎬讳唬鐞嗕篃瀹炵幇浜嗘湁鏁堝崗浣溿?鎵?湁鍒嗗叕鍙革紙鎬讳唬鐞嗭級閮藉湪ERP绯荤粺涓繘琛屾湡璐ц鍗曠殑澶勭悊锛岄?杩囩郴缁熺殑蹇?鍑嗙‘鐨勮繍绠楋紝鏈夋晥鍦板崗璋冧簡鍚勫湴浠g悊鐨勫彂璐ф暟閲忓拰鍛ㄦ湡銆?br />



浠RP绯荤粺涓轰唬琛ㄧ殑淇℃伅鎶?湳鍦ㄧ鐞嗕腑鐨勫簲鐢紝涓嶄粎鏄紒涓氱鐞嗘?璺?鏂瑰紡鍜岀粡娴庢晥鏋滅殑鏀硅繘锛屾洿閲嶈鐨勬槸锛岄?杩嘐RP绯荤粺鐨勫簲鐢ㄥ彲浠ユ瀯绛戣捣浼佷笟鍦ㄧ數瀛愬寲骞冲彴涓婄殑鍟嗕笟鍩虹璁炬柦锛屾渶缁堝疄鐜板浜庝紒涓氬晢涓氭ā寮忕殑鏀寔銆?br />




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